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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2011

Eurofighter Typhoon

Eurofighter Typhoon adalah pesawat tempur bermesin jet-afterburner ganda yang dibuat oleh Eurofighter GmbH. Pesawat ini adalah pesawat yang diminati oleh banyak negara untuk dijadikan bagian dari kekuatan angkatan udaranya, karena memiliki berbagai kemampuan yang hampir setara dengan pesawat F-22 "Raptor" buatan Amerika yang tidak dijual ke pasaran, ataupun dengan pesawat Gripen NG buatan Swedia. Pesawat ini kerap dipergunakan dalam berbagai perang, seperti contohnya antara lain adalah perang yang masih sangat baru, yaitu perang Libya. Pesawat Typhoon milik AU Inggris digabungkan dengan pesawat Dassault Rafale milik AU Perancis dan F/A-18 "Hornet" milik AU Marinir Amerika atau U.S. Marine dalam tugasnya membantu pihak oposisi Libya menggulingkan pemerintahan Moammar Khadafi. Dalam perang ini, 1 pesawat Typhoon jatuh akibat kerusakan mesin. Diluar itu semua, pesawat ini memiliki pemakai utama seperti AU Austria, AU Jerman, AU Saudi Arabia, dan AU Italia, Spanyol sert...

PAC JF-17 "Thunder"/CAC FC-1 "Xiaolong"

The PAC JF-17 "Thunder", also designated CAC FC-1 "Xiaolong" is a light-weight, single engine, multi-role combat aircraft developed jointly by the Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAC) of China, the Pakistan Air Force and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC). It is designated as "JF-17 Thunder" by Pakistan, which is short for "Joint Fighter-17" and as "FC-1 Xiaolong" by China, which is short for "Fighter China-1". The JF-17 was primarily developed to meet the requirements of the Pakistan Air Force for a cost-effective, modern, multi-role combat aircraft as an inexpensive replacement for its large fleet of aging Nanchang A-5 bombers, Chengdu F-7 interceptors and Dassault Mirage III/5 fighters. It was also to have export potential to air forces of other countries as a cost-effective alternative to more expensive Western-origin fighters. The first 50 JF-17s entering Pakistan Air Force service will most lik...

Sukhoi Su-30 MKI "Flanker H"

The Sukhoi Su-30MKI is a multirole combat aircraft jointly-developed by Russia's Sukhoi Corporation and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) for the Indian Air Force (IAF). A variant of the Sukhoi Su-30, it is an all-weather capable, heavy class, long-range air superiority fighter which can also act as a strike fighter aircraft. The Su-30MKI was jointly designed by Russia's Sukhoi Corporation and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The MKI's airframe evolved from that of the Sukhoi Su-27 while most of the avionics were developed by India. In 2004 India inked a deal with Russia to domestically produce the Novator K-100 missile for its Su-30MKI fighters. The Novator K-100 missile is designed to shoot down AWACS and other C4ISTAR aircraft whilst keeping the launch platform out of range of any fighters that might be protecting the target. The Su-30MKI is a highly integrated twin-finned aircraft. The airframe is constructed of tita...